Due to the difference in the momenta of the superconducting order parameters, the Josephson current in a Josephson junction between a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconductor and a conventional BCS superconductor is suppressed. We show that the Josephson current may be recovered by applying a magnetic field in the junction. The field strength and direction at which the supercurrent recovery occurs depend upon the momentum and structure of the order parameter in the FFLO state. Thus the Josephson effect provides an unambiguous way to detect the existence of an FFLO state, and to measure the momentum of the order parameter.It was suggested more than thirty years ago by Fulde and Ferrell [1], and Larkin and Ovchinnikov [2], that an inhomogeneous superconductor with an order parameter that oscillates spatially may be stabilized by a large external magnetic or internal exchange field. Such a FuldeFerrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state has never been observed in conventional low-T c superconductors. Recently it has attracted renewed interest in the context of organic, heavy-fermion, and high-T c cuprate superconductors [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. These new classes of superconductors are believed to provide conditions that are favorable to the formation of FFLO state, because many of them are i) strongly type II superconductors so that the upper critical field H c2 can easily approach the Pauli paramagnetic limit; and (ii) layered compounds so that when a magnetic field is applied parallel to the conducting plane, the orbital effect is minimal, and the Zeeman effect (which is the driving force for the formation of FFLO state) dominates the physics. Indeed, some experimental indications of the existence of the FFLO state have been reported [3,10,12,18].The main difficulty in the experimental search for the FFLO state is that just like the BCS state, the FFLO state is a superconducting state. The distinction between the two is a subtle difference in the structure of the superconducting order parameter, which is difficult to detect using ordinary experimental techniques. Previous experiments have focused on thermodynamic signatures of possible phase transitions from the BCS to FFLO state, which is believed to be first order (see, however, Ref. [6]). But such signatures can be caused by other phase transitions that have nothing to do with the superconducting order parameter. Thus it is very difficult to establish the presence of an FFLO state this way without any ambiguity.In this paper we propose using the Josephson effect to detect the existence of FFLO states. Our proposal has some similarity in spirit to the basic ideas behind the "phase sensitive" experiments [20] that established the predominant d-wave symmetry of the order parameter in cuprate superconductors. Specifically, we predict: (i) The Josephson current in a Josephson junction between a conventional BCS superconductor and an FFLO superconductor is suppressed, due to the difference in momenta of the order par...