We evaluate the current distribution for a single-electron transistor with intermediate strength tunnel conductance. Using the Schwinger-Keldysh approach and the drone (Majorana) fermion representation we account for the renormalization of system parameters. Nonequilibrium effects induce a lifetime broadening of the charge-state levels, which suppress large current fluctuations. PACS numbers: 73.23.Hk,72.70.+m The 'Full Counting Statistics' (FCS) of charge transport has proven to be a powerful tool in the description of current fluctuations [1]. The concept had been explored by Levitov and Lesovik [2], who expressed the FCS of an arbitrary mesoscopic structure with non-interacting electrons in terms of its S−matrix. Much less is known about the FCS of interacting mesoscopic systems, a problem which has been addressed only recently [3,4,5,6,7].As a fundamental example of an interacting mesoscopic systems we consider a Single-Electron Transistor (SET). It consists of a metallic island coupled to drain and source (left and right) electrodes via low-capacitance tunnel junctions, with resistances R L and R R , as well as to a gate electrode. The strength of Coulomb interaction is characterized by the charging energy E C = e 2 /2C Σ , which depends on the total capacitance C Σ = C L +C R +C G . A measure for the tunneling strength is the dimensionlessIn Refs. [3,4] the FCS of a similar system -a quantum dot -has been studied, fully accounting for strong electron correlations, however only for a particular setup and parameters, corresponding to the Toulouse point. A renormalization group approach had been developed for the regime α 0 ≫ 1 [5]. In the opposite limit, α 0 → 0, the FCS has been analyzed to lowest order in Ref.[6] and next-to-lowest order (cotunneling) in Ref. [7]. However, effects of quantum fluctuations induced by nonvanishing α 0 are still unknown. The aim of the present paper is to derive the FCS for a SET beyond perturbation theory in the intermediate strength tunneling regime α 0 1.Let us further specify the situation to be considered. At low transport voltages and temperatures, eV, T ≪ E C , due to Coulomb blockade tunneling is suppressed in a SET, everywhere except near specific values of the gate voltage, e.g., near Q G ≡ C G V G = e/2. In the neighborhood of this conductance peak the Coulomb barrier is ∆ 0 = E C (1 − 2Q G /e). For α 0 ≪ 1 electrons tunnel via the island sequentially only when µ R < ∆ 0 < µ L , where µ L/R = κ L/R eV is the voltage drop between the L/R electrode and the island, andWith increasing α 0 , higher order effects such as cotunneling and quantum fluctuations of the charge gain importance [8]. They lead to a renormalization of ∆ 0 and α 0 . The perturbative renormalization group analysis [9] (for eV = 0) predicts a renormalization factor z 0 = 1/{1 + 2α 0 ln(E C /Λ)} to depend logarithmically on the cutoff energy Λ = max{∆ 0 , T }.The model. -We concentrate on the tunneling regime with inverse RC time 1/R T C Σ = 4πα 0 E C smaller than E C , which ensures that the charge...