We describe here the strategies for optimizing the condition of antibody microarray building based on agarose-coated slides. Modified glass slides were robotically printed with capture antibodies against monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), then dilutions of the cytokine were applied to the arrays, and the protein was detected with biotin-labeled antibody coupled with Cy3-conjugated streptavidin. Thus a protein profiling microarray based on sandwich immunoassay has been established. A calibration curve with a correlation coefficient of 0.9995 was established which suggested that the matrix can retain arrayed proteins in near-quantitative fashion. The results revealed high signal uniformity and reproducibility with regard to intra-array (1.3%) and the interarray (8.7%) variation at the capture antibody concentration of 125 lg/mL.[1] Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 406 -413.We describe a miniaturized instrument capable of performing 2-DE. It consists of a compartment for a first-dimensional IEF gel, which is connected to a second-dimensional PASGE gel. The focused samples are automatically transferred from the IEF gel to the PASGE gel by electromi-gration. Our preliminary experiments show that the device is able to focus and separate a mixture of proteins in approximately 1 h, excluding the time required for the staining procedure. On average, the gel-to-gel retardation factor (Rf) variation was 6.2% (€0.9%) and pI variation was 2.5% (€0.6%). Separated protein spots were excised from stained gels, digested with trypsin, and further identified by MS, thus enabling direct proteomic analysis of the separated proteins.[2] Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 422 -428.We demonstrate theoretically that solute separation can be accomplished in pressure-driven flow through nanochannels due to solute-wall interactions. Such pressure-driven separation is efficient in identifying solutes with variable valences. This function complements exactly the electric field-driven separation (i. e., electrophoretic separation) in nanofluidic channels that works well for solutes differing in diffusivity. We also demonstrate the enhanced separation of solutes of either different valence or different diffusivity through the combination of a pressure-driven flow and an electric field-driven backflow in nanofluidic channels. This combined flow, however, has to be used with caution for solutes varying in both valence and diffusivity.[3] Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 627 -634.In microfluidic devices the fluid can be manipulated either as continuous streams or droplets. The latter is particularly attractive as individual droplets cannot only move but also split and fuse, thus offering great flexibility for applications such as laboratory-on-a-chip. We consider the transport of liquid drops immersed in a surrounding liquid by means of the dielectrophoretic force generated by electrodes mounted at the bottom of a microdevice. The direct numerical simulation (DNS) approach is used to study the motion of droplets subjected to both hydrodynamic and electrostatic ...