A recent institutional study at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay investigated the academic achievement of interlibrary loan (ILL) users as compared to non-ILL users. While this study provided important local insight into ILL use and the demographics of ILL users (class rank, major), it uncovered a rather minor overall GPA difference, .20 GPA points, between ILL users and non-ILL users. However, within this data was an interesting subset that once thoroughly investigated, provided rich details about ILL article use, the users who rely on ILL for articles and the GPA differences between users' across the spectrum of ILL article use. The resulting analysis compares users who use ILL for a large number of articles, those who use ILL for a medium number of articles, those who use ILL for a small number of articles and those who do not use ILL. Takeaways from the data presented should provide libraries and practitioners with a greater understanding of ILL article use, its role in user information seeking behaviors, its correlational effect on student academic achievement, and for whom-ILL article users-libraries are incurring the high cost of articles through ILL.