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AcknowledgmentsThe support of Fondecyt grant Nr. 1140337, the Basal Project AC3E FB0008 and the P.hD. Scholarship CONICYT / Doctorado Nacional / 2013-21130721 are kindly acknowledged.
Keywords«Wind Turbines», « Fault Ride-Through »,« Multilevel Converters », « Matrix Converter».
AbstractThe trend in wind turbines has shown an ongoing power rating growth, reaching sizes up to 10 MW. Multilevel converters have therefore become a favourable solution for Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs), due to high efficiency, reliability, controllability and the ability to reach high power/voltage ratings. Moreover, stringent grid codes to regulate the connection of WECSs to the electrical networks have been developed in countries with a high penetration of wind energy. In this context, this paper introduces the novel application of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for interfacing Multi-MW Wind Turbines to provide decoupled input-output regulation, variable speed operation and fulfilment of modern grid codes.