Using the helium nanodroplet isolation setup at the ultrabright free-electron laser source FELIX in Nijmegen (BoHeNDI@FELIX), the intermolecular modes of water dimer in the frequency region from 70 to 550 cm À1 were recorded. Observed bands were assigned to donor torsion, acceptor wag, acceptor twist, intermolecular stretch, donor torsion overtone,a nd in-plane and out-of-plane librational modes.T his experimental data set provides as ensitive test for state-of-the-art water potentials and dipole moment surfaces. Theoretical calculations of the IR spectrum are presented using high-level quantum and approximate quasiclassical molecular dynamics approaches.T hese calculations use the full-dimensional ab initio WHHB potential and dipole moment surfaces. Based on the experimental data, aconsiderable increase of the acceptor switch and ab ifurcation tunneling splitting in the librational mode is deduced, whichi saconsequence of the effective decrease in the tunneling barrier.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.