Low power gas sensors with high sensitivity and selectivity are desired for many practical applications. Devices based on organic field effect transistors are promising because they can be fabricated at modest cost and are low power devices. Organic field effect transistors fabricated in bottom-gate bottom-contact configuration using the organic semiconductor [2,5-(2-octyldodecyl)-3,6-diketopyrrolopyrrole-alt-5,5-(2,5-di(thien-2-yl)thieno] [3,2-b]thiophene) (DPP-T-TT) were systematically investigated to determine the response characteristics to a series of alkylamines and ammonia. The highest sensitivity was to dibutylamine with a limit of detection of 0.025 ppb, followed by n-butylamine, 0.056 ppb, and ammonia, 2.17 ppb. A model was constructed based on the Antoine equation that successfully allows the empirical prediction of the sensitivity and selectivity of the gas sensor to various analytes including amines and alcohols based on the Antoine C parameter and the heat of the vaporization of the analyte.