“…As observed by several works in this domain, [KBB*13, ROA*13, RCB*17, BDK17] many natural properties on the underlying pointwise correspondences can be expressed as objectives on functional maps. Most notably, this includes: orthonormality of functional maps, which corresponds to the local area‐preservation nature of pointwise correspondences [OBCS*12, KBB*13, ROA*13]; preservation of inner products of gradients of functions, which corresponds to conformal maps [ROA*13, BDK17, WLZT18]; preservation of pointwise products of functions, which corresponds to functional maps arising from point‐to‐point correspondences [NO17, NMR*18]; slanted diagonal structure of functional maps, which corresponds to correspondences between partial shapes [RCB*17, LRBB17]. Similarly, several other regularizers have been proposed, including using robust norms and matrix completion techniques [KBB*13, KBBV15], exploiting the relation between functional maps in different directions [ERGB16], the map adjoint [HO17], and powerful cycle‐consistency constraints [HWG14] in the context of shape collections, among many others.…”