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Keywords:Can cer Me tab o lism Mi to chon dria Het ero gene ity Metas ta sis A B S T R A C T Al tered me tab o lism in can cer cells is piv otal for tu mor growth, most no tably by pro vid ing en ergy, re duc ing equiv a lents and build ing blocks while sev eral metabo lites ex ert a sig nal ing func tion pro mot ing tu mor growth and pro gres sion. A can cer tis sue can not be sim ply re duced to a bulk of pro lif er at ing cells. Tu mors are in deed com plex and dy namic struc tures where sin gle cells can het ero ge neously per form var i ous bi o log i cal ac tiv i ties with dif fer ent meta bolic re quire ments. Be cause tu mors are com posed of dif fer ent types of cells with meta bolic ac tiv i ties af fected by dif fer ent spa tial and tem po ral con texts, it is im por tant to ad dress me tab o lism tak ing into ac count cel lu lar and bi o log i cal het ero gene ity. In this re view, we de scribe this het ero gene ity also in meta bolic fluxes, thus show ing the rel a tive con tri bu tion of dif fer ent meta bolic ac tiv i ties to tu mor pro gres sion ac cord ing to the cel lu lar con text. This ar ti cle is part of a Spe cial Is sue en ti tled Res pi ra tory com plex I, edited by Giuseppe Gas parre, Ro drigue Rossig nol and Pierre Son veaux. Abbreviations: ACL, ATP cit rate lyase; AMPK, adeno sine monophos phate ki nase; ARG1, L argi nine me tab o liz ing en zyme arginase 1; BCAA, branched chain amino acid; Bcl2, B cell lym phoma 2; CAF, can cer as so ci ated fi brob last; CIC, can cer ini ti at ing cell; COX2, cy tochrome ox i dase; CSC, can cer stem cell; CREB, cyclic adeno sine monophos phate re sponse el e ment bind ing pro tein; DEC1, dif fer en tially ex pressed in chon dro cytes 1; EMT, ep ithe lial to mes enchy mal tran si tion; FAK, fo cal ad he sion ki nase; FAS, fatty acid syn thase; FBP, fruc tose 1,6 bis pho s phate; FDG PET, [ F] flu o rodeoxyglu cose positron emis sion to mog ra phy; GAPDH, glyc er alde hyde 3 phos phate de hy dro ge nase; HIF 1, hy poxia ac ti vated fac tor 1; HK2, hex ok i nase 2; HMGB1, high mo bil ity group box 1; HU VEC, hu man um bil i cal vein en dothe lial cell; IFN γ, in ter feron gamma; LDH, lac tate de hy dro ge nase; MEF, murine em bry onic fi brob last; MET, mes enchy mal to ep ithe lial tran si tion; MRI, mag netic res o nance imag ing; mTORC1, mam malian tar get of ra pamycin com plex 1; NSCLC, non small cell lung can cer; OX PHOS, ox ida tive phos pho ry la tion; PDAC, pan cre atic duc tal ade no car ci noma; PHD, pro lyl hy drox y lase; pHe, ex tra cel lu lar pH; pHi, in tra cel lu lar pH; PK, pyru vate ki nase; PPP, pen tose phos phate path way; REDD1, reg u lated in de vel op ment and DNA dam age re sponse 1; RhoA, Ras ho molog gene fam ily, mem ber A; ROS, re ac tive oxy gen species; SASP, senes cence as so ci ated se cre tory phe no type; SCO2, syn the sis of cy tochrome ox i dase 2; SGK 1, serum and glu co cor ti coid reg u lated ki nase 1 Sirt1, sir tuin 1; TAM, tu mor as so ci ated macrophage; TIGAR, TP53 in duced gly col y ...