This study aims to determine the description of the implementation of differentiated learning strategies through fun cooking activities. This type of research is a qualitative approach descriptive method of analysis. The instruments used are observation sheets to evaluate teacher actions and observation sheets, checklists and serial photos for student assessment. This research was conducted at Wahdah Islamiyah Integrated Islamic Kindergarten 01 Makassar with the research subject of group B children (5-6 years old). This research is a class action research, so the information reviewed in this article is concrete data that occurs in the research location. This research focuses on the differentiated learning process that focuses on four main components, namely differentiation of content, process, product and learning environment designed by the teacher in the teaching module based on the results of the initial assessment. The problem obtained in school learning is the role of teachers who are still lacking in understanding differentiated learning strategies so that learning is still confessional, not involving children in exploring the learning environment more deeply and meaningfully. Efforts to adjust learning based on children's learning needs specifically on children's learning readiness, interests and learning profiles are very important to be a concern because each child has unique characteristics that require different teacher stimulation for each child according to their learning needs. The results show that the implementation of differentiated learning strategies through fun cooking activities is very good for presenting more enjoyable, meaningful learning that not only improves the developmental aspects or competencies of students but children's interest and motivation to learn can develop more optimally.