Up to three gibberellin (GA) 20-oxidase genes have now been cloned from several species including Arabidopsis, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and potato (Solanum tuberosum). In each case the GA 20-oxidase genes exhibit different patterns of tissue expression. We have performed extensive northern analysis on one of the potato GA 20-oxidase genes (StGA20ox1), which is the only one that shows significant transcript levels in leaves. We show that levels ofStGA20ox1 transcript are elevated in transgenic antisense plants that have reduced levels of phytochrome B (PHYB) compared with wild-type plants, implicating PHYB in the control of GA biosynthesis. We show that StGA20ox1 transcript levels vary in leaves of different age throughout the plant and cycle throughout the day, furthermore they are up-regulated by light and down-regulated in the dark. The degree of the response to the light-on signal is similar in potato plants deficient in phytochrome A or PHYB and wild-type plants. The induction ofStGA20ox1 by blue light raises the possibility that a blue light receptor may be involved in the control of this gene by light.