A B S T R A C T The concentrating ability of the kidney was studied by clearance and micropuncture techniques and tissue slice analyses in normal rats with two intact kidneys (intact controls), normal rats with a solitary kidney (uninephrectomized controls), and uremic rats with a single pyelonephritic kidney. Urinary osmolality after water deprivation for 24 h and administration of antidiuretic hormone was 2,501+217 and 2,874±392 mosmollkg H20 in intact and uninephrectomized control rats, respectively, and 929±130 mosmol'kg H20 in pyelonephritic rats (P < 0.001 compared to each control group). Fractional water reabsorption and concentrating ability were significantly decreased in the pyelonephritic group, and, to achieve an equivalent fractional excretion of urea, a greater fractional excretion of water was required in the pyelonephritic rats than in the control rats.Whole animal glomerular filtration rate was 1.57 +0.19 ml/min and 1.39±0.18 ml/min in intact and in uninephrectomized controls, respectively, and 0.30 +0.07 ml/min in pyelonephritic rats (P < 0.001 compared to each control group). Single nephron glomerular filtration rate was 35.6±3.8 nl/min in intact control rats and was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in both uninephrectomized (88.0±10.8 nl/min) and pyelonephritic rats (71.5± 14.4 nl/min).