Experiments on Wistar rats showed the development of endotoxicosis 12 h after severe compression injury. Endotoxicosis manifested in disorders in bromosulfaleine excretion from the blood, increase of blood urea, uric acid, creatinine, and potassium levels and aminotransferase activities. Injection of succinate-containing antihypoxants (reamberine, cytoflavin, metaprot plus, succinamic acid 2-amino-4-acetylthiasolo[5,4-b]indole) directly after decompression promoted recovery of liver function, prevented the development of hyperfermentemia and renal failure as a result of reduced blood levels of potassium and non-protein nitrogen. The protective effect of the drugs in traumatic toxicosisdecreased in the following order: metaprot plus>cytoflavin>2-amino-4-acetylthiasolo[5,4-b]indole succinaminic acid>reamberine.