The way in which the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis are regulated is poorly characterized in Bacillus subtilis. We showed that CysL (formerly YwfK), a LysR-type transcriptional regulator, activates the transcription of the cysJI operon, which encodes sulfite reductase. We demonstrated that a cysL mutant and a cysJI mutant have similar phenotypes. Both are unable to grow using sulfate or sulfite as the sulfur source. The level of expression of the cysJI operon is higher in the presence of sulfate, sulfite, or thiosulfate than in the presence of cysteine. Conversely, the transcription of the cysH and cysK genes is not regulated by these sulfur sources. In the presence of thiosulfate, the expression of the cysJI operon was reduced 11-fold, whereas the expression of the cysH and cysK genes was increased, in a cysL mutant. A cis-acting DNA sequence located upstream of the transcriptional start site of the cysJI operon (positions ؊76 to ؊70) was shown to be necessary for sulfur source-and CysL-dependent regulation. CysL also negatively regulates its own transcription, a common characteristic of the LysR-type regulators. Gel mobility shift assays and DNase I footprint experiments showed that the CysL protein specifically binds to cysJ and cysL promoter regions. This is the first report of a regulator of some of the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis in B. subtilis.All living organisms require sulfur for the synthesis of proteins and essential cofactors. Sulfur can be assimilated either from inorganic sources, such as sulfate and thiosulfate, or from organic sources, such as sulfate esters, sulfamates, and sulfonates. In Escherichia coli, sulfate is transported into the cell via an ATP-binding cassette-type sulfate-thiosulfate transport system (5, 11). Sulfate is subsequently reduced to sulfide by a series of enzymatic steps involving ATP sulfurylase, adenosine 5Ј-phosphosulfate kinase, 3Ј-phosphoadenosine 5Ј-phosphosulfate (PAPS) sulfotransferase, and sulfite reductase (Fig. 1). An O-acetyl-L-serine thiol-lyase condenses sulfide and O-acetylserine to form cysteine. In E. coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, at least 22 genes are required for the transport and reduction of sulfate and for its incorporation into cysteine. Most of these genes are coordinately regulated in the cysteine regulon (11). The high-level expression of these genes requires CysB, a LysR-type transcriptional activator, the inducer N-acetylserine, and sulfur-limiting conditions (11, 26). The CysB protein binds as a tetramer just upstream of the Ϫ35 promoter region of the positively regulated cys genes. The interaction of CysB with the inducer causes the activator to undergo a conformational change, allowing it to interact with the activation sites of the cysJ, cysK, and cysP promoters (7, 23). L-Cysteine, sulfide, and thiosulfate downregulate L-cysteine biosynthesis (11,12).In Bacillus subtilis, the assimilation of sulfate and the biosynthesis of cysteine may occur via similar pathways (Fig. 1). Indeed, the enzymes and the ...