Introduction: Osteoarthritis is disorder of cartilage degradation, synovial inammation, osteophyte formation, thinning of joint space and subchondral sclerosis
Aims & objectives: To analyse the results of observational study on short term outcome after high tibialosteotomy in unicompartment
Ÿ To study the functional outcome among patients undergoing high tibialosteotomy.
Ÿ To study the radiologic outcome in the patients.
Ÿ To study the clinical outcome in the patients.
Ÿ Complications and treatment done on follow-up.
Materials and methods: The present study was conducted after obtaining clearance from institutional ethics committee with informed consent
from participating patients. MGM MEDICAL COLLEGE & L.S.K HOSPITAL, KISHANGANJ , Department of Orthopaedics. March 2018-
September 2020 [2 year]
Conclusion:We also found that mean WBLAwas decreased in POSTOPperiod which was statistically signicant.