As demonstrated by August Krogh et al. a century ago, the oxygen-binding reaction of vertebrate haemoglobin is cooperative (described by sigmoid O(2) equilibrium curves) and modulated by CO(2) and protons (lowered pH) that - in conjunction with later discovered allosteric effectors (chloride, lactate and organic phosphate anions) - enhance O(2) unloading from blood in relatively acidic and oxygen-poor tissues. Based on the exothermic nature of the oxygenation of the haem groups, haemoglobin-O(2) affinity also decreases with rising temperature. This thermal sensitivity favours oxygen unloading in warm working muscles, but may become detrimental in regionally heterothermic animals, for example in cold-tolerant birds and mammals and warm-bodied fish, where it may perturb the balance between O(2) unloading and O(2) requirement in organs with substantially different temperatures than at the respiratory organs and thus commonly is reduced or obliterated. Given that the oxygenation of haemoglobin is linked with the endothermic release of allosteric effectors, increased effector interaction is an effective strategy that is widely exploited to achieve adaptive reductions in the temperature dependence of blood-O(2) affinity. The molecular mechanisms implicated in heterothermic vertebrates from different taxonomic groups reveal remarkable variability, both as regards the effectors implicated (protons in tunas, organic phosphates in sharks and billfish, chloride ions in ruminants and chloride and phosphate anions in the extinct woolly mammoth, etc.) and binding sites for the same effectors, indicating multiple evolutionary origins, but convergent physiological functionality (reductions in temperature dependence of O(2) -binding affinity that safeguard tissue O(2) supply).