In this work we report on a systematic study of the causal relations in information transfer mechanisms between brain regions under resting condition. The 1000 Functional Connectomes Beijing Zang dataset was used, which includes brain functional images of 180 healthy individuals. We first characterize the information transfer mechanisms by means of Transfer Entropy concepts and, on this basis, propose a set of indexes concerning the whole functional brain network in the frame of a multilayer description. By exploring the influence of a set of states in two given regions at time t (At; Bt.) over the state of one of them at a following time step (Bt+1), a series of time-dependent events can be observed pointing to four kinds of significant interactions, namely:- (de)activation in the same state (ActS); - (de)activation in the oppostive state (ActO);- turn off in the same state (TfS); - turn off in the opposite state (TfO).This leads to four specific rules and to a directional multilayer network based upon four interaction matrices, one for each rule. By hierarchical clustering methods the four rules can be reduced to two sharing some similarities with positive and negative functional connectivity. The global architecture of the four interactions and the features of single nodes were initially explored under stationary conditions. The information transfer mechanisms on the ensuing functional network were studied by specific indexes describing in a multilayer frame the effects of the network structure in several dynamical processes. The healthy subjects database was used to carefully calibrate and validate the proposed approach, whose final aim remains the detection of clinical differences among individuals, as well as among different cognitive states.