“…With just a brief scan of PsychInfo for research in 2012, 144 articles came up with social support and well-being as search terms. Belonging to a valued social group predicted positive outcomes such as lower stress or higher psychological well-being in adolescents (Tisdale & Pitt-Catsuphes, 2012), college students (Chao, 2011), caregivers of people with disabilities or emotional disturbances (Ownsworth, Henderson, & Chambers, 2010;Palamaro, Kilmer, Cook, & Reeve, 2012), men living in remote areas (Kutek, Turnbull, & Fairweather-Schmidt, 2011), elders (Chao, 2012;Fauth, Gerstorf, Ram, & Malmberg, 2012), and post-disaster survivors (Kaniasty, 2012), to name a few.…”