Edited by Norma AllewellHydrogen sulfide is a critical signaling molecule, but high concentrations cause cellular toxicity. A four-enzyme pathway in the mitochondrion detoxifies H 2 S by converting it to thiosulfate and sulfate. Recent studies have shown that globins like hemoglobin and myoglobin can also oxidize H 2 S to thiosulfate and hydropolysulfides. Neuroglobin, a globin enriched in the brain, was reported to bind H 2 S tightly and was postulated to play a role in modulating neuronal sensitivity to H 2 S in conditions such as stroke. However, the H 2 S reactivity of the coordinately saturated heme in neuroglobin is expected a priori to be substantially lower than that of the 5-coordinate hemes present in myoglobin and hemoglobin. To resolve this discrepancy, we explored the role of the distal histidine residue in muting the reactivity of human neuroglobin toward H 2 S. Ferric neuroglobin is slowly reduced by H 2 S and catalyzes its inefficient oxidative conversion to thiosulfate. Mutation of the distal His 64 residue to alanine promotes rapid binding of H 2 S and its efficient conversion to oxidized products. X-ray absorption, EPR, and resonance Raman spectroscopy highlight the chemically different reaction options influenced by the distal histidine ligand. This study provides mechanistic insights into how the distal heme ligand in neuroglobin caps its reactivity toward H 2 S and identifies by cryo-mass spectrometry a range of sulfide oxidation products with 2-6 catenated sulfur atoms with or without oxygen insertion, which accumulate in the absence of the His 64 ligand.Neuroglobin is a member of the globin family (1) that is expressed primarily in neuronal tissues (2) but also in other metabolically highly active endocrine tissues, such as the adrenal gland and the pancreatic islets of Langerhans (3, 4). Although the physiological role of neuroglobin is still elusive, early studies suggested that it might be involved in oxygen supply (1, 5). However, neuroglobin is generally expressed at low levels and exhibits a high autoxidation rate, producing reactive oxygen species, which makes its role as an O 2 carrier unlikely (6). Neuroglobin can also scavenge reactive oxygen species and reduce nitrite to NO under hypoxic conditions (7-9).In contrast to hemoglobin and myoglobin, two histidine residues coordinate the heme cofactor in neuroglobin in the ferrous and ferric states (Fig. 1A). The crystal structure of neuroglobin reveals a high structural similarity to myoglobin, despite Ͻ25% amino acid sequence similarity between the proteins. The structure reveals a large hydrophobic cavity, which connects the proximal and distal sides of the heme (7). His 64 and His 96 coordinate the heme on the distal and proximal sides, respectively (10). Exogenous ligands like O 2 , CO, and NO bind to ferrous neuroglobin (Fe II -Ngb) 2 on the distal side, and binding is limited by dissociation of His 64 , which is slow (6,(11)(12)(13)(14). Limited characterization of the binding of sulfide to ferric neuroglobin (Fe III -Ngb) has...