Previous studies in this laboratory revealed that dihydrohonokiol-B (DHH-B; 3'-(2 propenyl)-5-propyl-(1,1'-biphenyl)-2,4'-diol), a partially reduced derivative of honokiol, was an effective anxiolytic-like agent in mice at an oral dose of 0.04 mg kg(-1), and at higher doses, when evaluated by the elevated plus-maze test. The aim of this study was to further confirm the anxiolytic-like effect of DHH-B using an additional behavioural procedure (Vogel's conflict test in mice) and a biochemical assessment (in-vitro determination of muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake into mouse cortical synaptoneurosomes). As in earlier experiments, DHH-B (0.04-1 mg kg(-1), p.o.) was shown to prolong the time spent in the open-sided arms of the elevated plus-maze in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, in the Vogel's conflict test, DHH-B (5 mg kg(-1), p.o.) significantly increased punished water intake. In tests with mouse cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes, 10 and 30 microM of DHH-B significantly increased 36Cl- influx in the absence of muscimol. In the presence of 25 microM muscimol, the addition of 1 microM DHH-B led to significant enhancement of 36Cl- uptake, while 30 microM DHH-B was required to further stimulate the 36Cl- uptake induced by 250 microM muscimol. The results of these studies confirm that DHH-B is a potent anxiolytic-like agent and that GABA(A) receptor-gated Cl(-)-channel complex is involved in the anxiolytic-like efficacy of DHH-B.