JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org.A puzzling aspect of Prehispanic soil erosion and sedimentation in the Maya Lowlands is the variation noted between different regions. In the Petexbatun region of Guatemala, recent investigations indicate great variation in sedimentation rates between watersheds of digerent sizes. In some places, soil erosion was slowed by stone terraces, possibly in conjunction with other conservation methods. A review of the surheial geology and other data on terraces from across the Maya Lowlands indicates that variations in the form and distribution of ancient agricultural terracing was probably the result of environmental variability and population pressure largely during the Late Classic period.Un aspecto curioso de la erosion de tierra y la sedimentacion prehispanica en las tierras bajas mayas es la loariabilidad notada entre las diversas regiones. En la region de Petexbatun en Guatemala, las investigaciones recientes indican una gran variacion en la tasa de sedimentacion entre las cuencas de diferentes tamanos. En algunos lugares, la erosion del suelo fue reducida por medio del uso de terrazas de piedra, posiblemente en combinacion con otros metodos de conservacion. Se identihcaron tres tipos de terrazas agricolas en la region de Petexbatun: (1) terrazas con gradas en las pendientes de las colinas (algunas en forma de terrazas de caja y otras en forma de terraplenes de contorno), (2) grandes terrazas en la parte basal de las pendientes, y (3J dEques en pequenos barrancos. Un examen de la geologia superficial, ademas de los datos sobre las terrazas en las tierras bajas mayas, indica que las variaciones en la forma y la distribucion de terrazas antiguas probablemente resultaron de la variabilidad del medio ambiente y de presiones demograhcas que se presentaron en el periodo Clasico Tardio. En general, las regiones con pendientes graduales, roca madre horizontal, y con evidencia de asentamiento denso fueron areas donde los mayas construyeron varios tipos de terrazas agricolas. Por otro lado, las terrazas fueron raras en regiones con pendientes altas inclinadas, roca madre inclinada, o con asentamientos dispersos.
That ancient Maya agriculture may have significantly increased soil erosion and that such erosion was at least partially checked in some areas through the use of stone terraces are hardly new ideas.Unfortunately studies of soil loss, sedimentation, and slope management in varzous regions of the Maya Lowlands have not often been effectively integrated-a situation that may be producing a somewhat distorted picture of these phenomena. Data recently obtained as part of the Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project in Guatemala suggest that the relation among the three varzables is quite ...