Bach1 is a member of the basic leucine zipper transcription factor family, and the Bach1/small Maf heterodimer specifically represses transcriptional activity directed by the Maf recognition element (MARE). Because Bach1 is a repressor of the oxidative stress response, we examined the function(s) of Bach1 in keratinocytes subjected to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress induced by H 2 O 2 led to an increase in MARE activity and expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), an inducible antioxidant defense enzyme. Bach1 depletion by small interfering RNAs or by deletion of Bach1 enhanced HO-1 expression in the absence of H 2 O 2 , indicating that Bach1 is a critical repressor of HO-1 in keratinocytes. Although Bach1-deficient or -reduced keratinocytes expressed higher levels of HO-1 than control cells in response to H 2 O 2 , Bach1 down-regulation did not attenuate the production of reactive oxygen species by H 2 O 2 . In contrast, Bach1 overexpression abolished HO-1 induction by H 2 O 2 , which led to increased reactive oxygen species accumulation. HO-1 was induced during keratinocyte differentiation, but MARE activity did not change during differentiation. Furthermore, Bach1 overexpression did not inhibit differentiation-associated induction of HO-1 expression, suggesting that HO-1 induction in differentiation is independent of Bach1. Thus, in response to oxidative stress, Bach1 regulates the oxidation state through the negative control of HO-1 expression prior to terminal keratinocyte differentiation. However, Bach1-mediated repression is negated during keratinocyte differentiation.Redox regulation is critical to cell survival, because cells cannot avoid endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) 2 that are generated as by-products of respiration (1). The skin is constantly exposed to harmful ROS that are generated by prooxidant agents in the environment, as well as by endogenous cellular oxidants. Thus, keratinocytes strongly and constitutively express ROS-detoxifying enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and reductase, and contain substantial levels of the antioxidants tocopherol and ubiquinol (2, 3). Additionally, these cells possess an inducible defense system that includes heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) (3-5). An imbalance between ROS and antioxidants can lead to the generation of high oxidant levels, which play a pivotal role in skin aging and disease (6).The transcription factor Bach1 is a repressor of the oxidative stress response in higher eukaryotes (7,8) and, together with its paralogue Bach2, constitutes a subfamily of the basic leucine zipper family of proteins. Bach1 forms heterodimers with the basic leucine zipper subfamily of small Maf proteins (i.e. MafF, MafG, and MafK), which bind the Maf recognition element (MARE) in the promoter regions of genes such as HO-1, NADP(H) quinone (oxido)reductase, and -globin (7, 9, 10), and thereby repress transcription in the absence of oxidative stress. In the presence of oxidative stress, Bach1 is inactivated (11, 12), which allows tran...