GEAR, A.W.L. 1994. Platelet adhesion, shape change, and aggregation: rapid initidion and signal transduction events. Can.J. Physiol. Phamcol. 72: 28% -294. Blood platelets are essential for hemostasis, and knowledge of their function is important for understanding both normal and pathologic situations. A number of approaches have been used to evaluate platelet adhesion, aggregation, and secretion, and within the last Id) years much interest has been directed to the biochemical mechanisms and signal transduction events wcurring during these various phases of function. New information has come from development of technologies to evaluate the changes occurring immediately after platelet activation and consistent with the speed needed for hemostasis in the arterial circulation. Use of rapid flow and mixing technologies as seen in quenched-flow, continuous-flow, and stopped-flow devices has revealed that platelet aggregation, shape change, adhesion, and secretion begin within 1 s and may be nearly complete by 5 s. Biochemical changes such as in protein phosphorylation, calcium release, and phospholipid hydrolysis are clearly evident in hundreds of milliseconds. Therefore, it is necessary to understand these early events in signal transduction and to assess alterations that may occur in diseases such as diabetes.Key rwkards: platelets, quenched flow, aggregation, adhesion, inositol.
GEAR,A.R.L. 1994. Platelet adhesion, shape change, and aggregation: rapid initiation and signal transduction events. Can. J. Physiol. Phamacol. 72 : 285-294. Ees plaquettes sanguines jouent un rdle essentiel dans 19hCmostase, et il est important d'en connaitre la fonction pour comprendre tant Ies situations pathologiques que nomales. Plusieurs apprwhes ont Ct C utilisCes pour Cvaluer 19adhCsion, I'agrCgation et B a sCcr6tion des plaquettes, et, au cours des 18 demikres annCes, un intCr6t particulier a Ct C port6 atax mCcanismes biochimiques et B la phase de transduction des signaux dans ces diverses fonctions. De nouvelles informations ont pu Ctre acquises griice au dCveloppement de techniques pour Cvaluer les variations se produisant immCdiatement aprks l'activation plaquettaire et respectant la vitesse nicessaire ? i 19Ctablissement de 1'hCmostase dans la circulation artbrielle. L'utilisation de dCbit mpide et de techniques de knixage qu'offrent les appreils B Ccoulement bioquC, continu ou stoppant, a rCvClC que l'agrdgation, le changement de fome, I'adhCsion et la sCcrCtion des plaquettes commencent en dedans de 1 s et gourraient $tre presque compldt6s en 5 s. k s manifestations biochimiques, observies par exemple dans la phosphorylation protbinique, la libhation de calcium et l'hydrolyse des phospholipides, se prCsentent en qtaelques centaines de millisecondes. Ainsi, il est nCcessaire de comprendre ces phases prCcoces de la transduction des signaux et d'Cvaluer les altkrations qui pourraienmt se produire dans les maladies comme le diabke.