Most organizations need to monitor and assess their business activities. In order to support the performance analysis of the business activities in a more systematic manner, in this research, we introduce a PRocess ANalytics System, called PRANAS. The system adopts process warehouses and process cubes to support process-oriented analysis, as well as data-oriented analysis. In this research, the process warehouse and cube were designed to assess business performances for supply chain management, specifically under the SCOR standard models. Furthermore, the process cube was constructed based on process-related dimensions such as time, case type, and event class to support process mining. Finally, we exemplify how the system can be applied to process analytics with three use cases of process discovery, data analytics, and decision point analysis. It is expected that the proposed system can be a helpful reference model when business process analyst designs process analytics systems in the process-oriented perspective, as well as in the data-oriented perspective.