Ionotrophic purinergic (P2X) receptors function as receptor-gated cation channels, where agonist binding leads to opening of a nonselective cation pore permeable to both Na ؉ and Ca 2؉ . Based on evidence that extracellular adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) stimulates glucose release from liver, these studies evaluate whether P2X receptors are expressed by hepatocytes and contribute to ATP-dependent calcium signaling and glucose release. Studies were performed in isolated hepatocytes from rats and mice and hepatoma cells from humans and rats. Transcripts and protein for both P2X4 and P2X7 were detectable, and immunohistochemistry of intact liver revealed P2X4 in the basolateral and canalicular domains. H epatocytes exhibit regulated release of adenosine 5Ј-triphosphate (ATP) into the extracellular space. 1 Once outside the cell, these nucleotides function as potent autocrine/paracrine signaling molecules that modulate liver function through activation of purinergic receptors in the plasma membrane. Initially discovered in neurons, purinergic receptors are implicated in the control of a spectrum of essential physiologic mechanisms ranging from vascular tone to programmed cell death. In the liver, nanomolar concentrations of ATP, or its breakdown products, activate Cl Ϫ channels, decrease cell volume, and stimulate bile flow. 2,3 Moreover, exposure of perfused isolated livers to ATP stimulates a large release of glucose. 4 Collectively, these coordinated pathways of ATP release, receptor binding, and degradation constitute a versatile mechanism for paracrine regulation of liver function.These diverse effects of ATP are not readily explained by a single receptor type. Previous studies indicate that hepatocytes express several subtypes of G-protein coupled P2Y receptors, including P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, and P2Y6. Selective stimulation of P2Y2 receptors activates plasma membrane chloride channels and stimulates ductular bile secretion. 5 P2Y receptors also appear to play a role in the activation of glycogen phosphorylase, the rate-controlling enzyme in hepatic glycogenolysis, 6 and regulate multiple signaling pathways with changes in cellular [Ca 2ϩ ], eicosanoid production, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate