The ability of the isomeri 2'-5'-phosphodiester-linked thrombinbinding DNA aptamer pentadecamer G 2 T 2 G 2 TGTG 2 T 2 G 2 (isoTBA), to fold into G-quadruplex structures in the presence of different mono-and divalent cations is reported. Strikingly, Sr 2 + ions cause isoTBA to fold into a stable parallel unimolecular Gquadruplex, in contrast to the antiparallel unimolecular Gquadruplex fold observed in the presence of K + . IsoTBA being advantageously more stable than TBA to nuclease degradation, may thus be useful in the selective detection of Sr 2 + ions, which it can sense with a detection limit of ∼ 55 μM.G-quadruplexes are formed as a consequence of stacking of successive G-quartets, that are in turn stabilized by cyclic hydrogen bonding of four guanine residues. [1] The G-quartets are further stabilized by the presence of metal ions, that are typically located between two successive G-quartets and are tightly associated through co-ordination to the guanine O6carbonyl groups of the neighbouring planes. [2] The thrombinbinding pentadecameric aptamer (TBA), d(G 2 T 2 G 2 TGTG 2 T 2 G 2 ) is very widely-studied and is known to fold into a unimolecular antiparallel G-quadruplex in the presence of K + ions. [3] This quadruplex comprises two G-quartets stacked on each other, connected by three edge-wise loops: two TT loops and one central TGT loop. The role of different cations in the formation of this structure was earlier reported. [4] Although several monovalent and divalent cations were studied, in all cases, the unimolecular antiparallel quadruplex topology was observed. [4] The stability of the resulting TBA G-quadruplexes was rationally explained to be a consequence of the ionic radii, with cations possessing an ionic radius in the range 1.3 Å to 1.5 Å leading to stabler quadruplexes compared to others, owing to a favourable fit between the two G-quartets. Such a study has not been reported with isoTBA.A number of modifications in the sugar-phosphate backbone of TBA have been reported with a view to enhancing its properties. [5] We earlier reported an isoTBA oligomer wherein the natural 3'-5'-phosphodiester backbone linkages were replaced by the isomeric 2'-5'-phosphodiesters, and showed that it could fold into a unimolecular antiparallel G-quadruplex structure, similar to that observed for TBA and also effect anticoagulation. [6] The isomeric backbone in this oligomer leads to further enhancement in the nuclease resistance properties of the G-quadruplex and is therefore, attractive in the context of application in biological systems. Further, studies on loopedited isoTBA oligomers [7] led to the observation that even oligomers containing the shortest loops (only one T per loop and totally 3 loop residues) retained the unimolecular antiparallel quadruplex fold, completely in contrast to the TBA oligomers, where shorter loop lengths (total number of loop residues less than 6) were found to result in multimolecular parallel quadruplexes, as reported for several other G-quadruplex sequences as well. [8] Howev...