The catalytic domains of Cir and Cis, comprising the C-terminal region of the A chain (y), disulphide-linked to the B chain, were obtained by limited proteolysis of the native proteases with chymotrypsin and plasmin, respectively, and studied by small angle neutron scattering. For Cfs (y-B), a molar mass of 45 000 + 5000 g/mol, and a relatively large radius of gyration (Z&) of 28 f 1 A were determined, excluding a single globular domain. The corresponding values for Cir (y-B), (90,000 g/mol, R8 = 34 f 1 A) are consistent with a dimer involving the loose packing of two (y-B) subunits. Various models of the dimer are discussed in the light of neutron scattering and other data.