Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an essential knee joint stabilizer that keeps the knee joint. Our research aimed to determine the prevalence rate of ACL reconstruction among athletic individuals living in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A cross sectional design was conducted in Saudi Arabia. Athlete participants from Saudi Arabia took part in the ACL reconstruction study and the sample size for a population survey was derived using the "Raosoft" subject size calculator. The data analysis was performed using version 26 of IBM SPSS. Results: There were 898 respondents in the investigations and 85 of them (or 9.5%) had a history of ACL. 81.2 percent of patients said that a sporting-related incident led to their injury. 41.2% had a full tear, whereas 47.1% had a partial tear. In 45.9% of patients, there were 6 months or more between the ACL damage and repair, whereas this period was longer in 32.9% of patients. The time between ACL reconstruction and activity resume was 6-8 months in 48.2% of cases and 8-10 months in 28% of cases. Just 50.6% of patients resumed their previous level of physical activity.
Conclusion:Saudi athletes get ACL injuries at prevalence rate similar to the world range. A large majority of the injured athletes had surgical repair, primarily in Saudi Arabia. The majority of the injured participants reported going back to sports after recovering.