“…• Communicative Effectiveness Index (CETI; Lomas, Pickard, Bester, Elbard, Finlayson & Zoghaib, 1989) • Assessment of Communicative Effectiveness in Severe Aphasia (ACESA; Cunningham, Farrow, Davies & Lincoln, 1995) • Functional Outcome Questionnaire for Aphasia (FOQ-A; Glueckauf, Blonder, Ecklund-Johnson, Maher, Crosson & Gonzalez-Rothi, 2003) • Communicative Activity Log (CAL; Pulvermuller & Berthier, 2008) • Communication Outcome after Stroke, client and carer version (COAST and carer COAST; Long, Hesketh & Bowen, 2009;Long, Hesketh, Paszek, Booth & Bowen, 2008) • Aphasia Communication Outcome Measure (ACOM; Doyle, Hula, Hula, Ross, Wambaugh, Schumacher & Roehrig, 2012) Linguistic analysis of connected speech…”