We experimentally demonstrate spectrally broad (λ 0 =1200-1800 nm) in-plane negative diffraction of SPPs in an array of plasmonic channel waveguides with negative mutual coupling resulting in negative refraction on the array's interface and refocusing in an adjacent metal layer.OCIS codes: (240.6680) Surface Plasmons; (250.5403) Plasmonics; (160.3918) MetamaterialsNegative refraction, first investigated by V. Veselago [1], has attracted great interest since its reinvention by J. Pendry [2]. With the recent advent of nanofabrication techniques first realizations with optical metamaterials have been reported [3], with the particularly exciting possible application of superlensing. At the same time, discrete diffraction in artificially anisotropic optical materials attracted its own popularity for its system simplicity, designability and interesting linear and nonlinear properties, taking benefit from the rush of industrial development of dielectric photonics [4]. However, most of these applications are narrow-band and usually it is not possible to directly observe the light propagation or to apply these materials in an accessible planar geometry, although this would open insights into negative refraction and applications in planar nanophotonics. Here we transfer the concept of discrete diffraction from arrays of dielectric waveguides [5] to arrays (nanoscale confinement, ca. 300 nm ≈ λ 0 / 5) of coupled plasmonic channel waveguides (pitch Γ ≈ 370 nm). We demonstrate for the first time intrinsic negative coupling in this array in the discrete diffraction process that we exploit to achieve 2D negative refraction while we experimentally directly monitor the wave propagation with farfield and near-field measurements. The negative coupling leads to an inverted wavefront curvature that causes negative diffraction that we observe when the bound modes from the array are converted to surface plasmon polaritons on a connected plane metal surface. We excite a single gap mode of the array by connecting a channel SPP waveguide (Fig. 1a,b) that is excited with a highly focused laser beam with a continuously scanned wavelength via acousto-optical tunable filters (λ 0 = 1200 -1800 nm) via a connected Yagi-Uda nanoantenna (Fig. 1b and c) with a power conversion efficiency of 15% and a typical propagation length of 30 μm [6]. When this feed waveguide enters the array the mode of this first waveguide evanescently couples to the modes of the adjacent waveguides. This causes discrete diffraction inside the array, which acts as a highly anisotropic 2D metamaterial. For a single waveguide coupler with this design we demonstrated a shortest achievable coupling length of only 2.45 μm, compared to typically millimeters in dielectric photonics and with a high spectral dispersion that is governed by the dispersion of the metal filaments between the waveguides [6]. Here we observe that the field distribution inside the array causes a laterally diverging intensity distribution with two distinct maxima at the diverging outer bounds at...