ABSTRACT:The antiferromagnetic phase of a 2-D Wigner crystal is investigated, using a localized representation for electrons. In our model, the electrons are located at the lattice sites of a face-centered square lattice (corresponding to bcc in the 3-D case). This lattice may be thought of as consisting of two equivalent interpenetrating sublattices. The ground-state energies of the antiferromagnetic phase of a 2-D Wigner electron crystal are computed with uniform neutralizing, Gaussian-type, and Yukawatype positive backgrounds in the range of r s ϭ 5 to 130. The role of correlation energy is suitably taken into account. The possibility of the antiferromagnetic phase of the 2-D Wigner crystal having a square or circle as the region of occupation in momentum space is also analyzed. The low-density region favorable for the antiferromagnetic phase of Wigner crystallization is found to be at r s ϭ 7.0. Our results agree well with experimental and other theoretical results for the 2-D Wigner crystal. The structuredependent Wannier functions, which give proper localized representation for Wigner electrons, are constructed and employed in the calculation for the first time.