Normally, native collagen is resistant to non-specific proteolytic enzymes. Only collagenase can split collagen into two degradation products, TCA and TCB, which can then be degraded by protease. Our studies using human '*C labelled collagen type I as substrate have shown the activity of collagenase to be normal in the serum of progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) and to be significantly decreased in skin homogenates. In contrast, the azocaseinolytic activity of nonspecific protease (mainly serine protease) was increased approximateiy 7-fold compared to the controls. These findings are surprising, since increased collagen metabolism is generally accepted in PSS. In collagen degradation assays we showed that PSS-serum followed by pronase could degrade collagen, ^-galactosidase followed by cathepsin H, chymotrypsin or trypsin exerted the same effect. Obviously, collagen is deglycosylated by i3-galactosidase,' making it sensitive to proteolytic attack and exhibits different denaturation characteristics. This is also suggested by studies with the Con A affinity gel electrophoresis, as the collagen was no longer retained at the origin after incubation with PSS-serum, and a definite mobility could be shown. Additionaily, galactose and glucose were liberated from collagen type I by /?galactosidase under our degradation conditions. The initial deglycosylation of collagen by jigalactosidase followed by degradation by non-specific protease is interpreted as an aiternative collagen degradation pathway^ in PSS which can compensate for the decreased collagenase activity.