Kinematic analysis has shown a near-stationary proximal carpal row during the dart-thrower's motion, which is believed to provide a stable platform for the generation of force and accuracy during certain power and precision grip activities. This finding is consistent with evidence in the human hand of adaptations that enabled effective manipulation of stones, cylindric wood, and bone tools for throwing and clubbing. There are at least two possible explanations for the observed human proximal carpal row kinematics. One is that it is retained from a previous common ancestor with great apes and previously adapted to some form of foraging or locomotor behavior involving the hands, but was recruited for tool use after we diverged from the apes. The second is that it evolved after our divergence from apes, in synchrony with adaptations in the human hand to the manipulation of tools, and central to the development of the human's unique ability to aim and accelerate tools and weapons.
KeywordsDart-thrower's motion; wrist kinematics; human evolution; carpus; markerless bone registration This report details our understanding of the dart-thrower's motion in the context of carpal kinematic research and the implications that these kinematic findings have to human evolutionary development. We believe that a fundamental reshaping of our understanding of the planes of wrist motion and the functional arc of the human wrist may lead to advances in nonsurgical and surgical care of wrist injuries, implant design, and rehabilitation.
Wrist Kinematics and the Dart-Thrower's ArcThe study of carpal kinematics is highly complex because of the irregular size and shape of the multiple small articulating surfaces and the complex forces that cross the wrist. Conclusions in the literature often are contradictory, and there is disagreement among leading investigators as to the direction of rotation and the contribution of individual carpal bones to global wrist motion. It generally is agreed that the proximal row moves in synchrony throughout radioulnar deviation and flexion-extension, but the degree of out-ofplane rotation and intercarpal motion within the proximal row is the source of considerable research efforts. 1-5 Both planar radiographic analyses and detailed 3-dimensional analyses