1IntroductionUranium is an important element due to its use as fuel in nuclear power stations and other applications such as catalysts and staining pigments [1].U ranium behaves differently from many other metals due to its variable oxidation state and tendency to form aw ide variety of positive, neutral, and negatively charged complexes,a ta pproximately neutral pH. Unlikem any other radioactive elements,i ts half-lifei sc ommensurate with the age of the earth and, because of this,s mall amounts of uraniuma re found almost everywhere in the soil, rocks,a nd water [2]. Currently,t he intense interest in uranium arises fromi ts known toxicity and the possibility of human exposure to it. Such exposure can cause acute renal failure,r esulting in af atality or minor damage to the liver [3] ,r espectively.T hus,d etermination of uranium requires high sensitivity and selectivity due to its strong association with other elements.T herefore,s everal analytical techniques such as inductively coupledp lasma atomic emission spectrometry [6],i nductively coupled plasma-masss pectrometry [7][8][9],n eutrona ctivation analysis,g amma and alpha spectrometry[ 10],g as chromatography [11,12],d ifferentialp ulse polarography [13],m ercury film silver based electrode [14],a nd electroanalysis using ion selective electrode [15][16][17] have been reported for uranium determination. Although thesem ethods benefit from ah igh sensitivity and favorable detection limits, their application requires expensive equipment and involves ah igherr unningc ost. Moreover, some methods require preliminary separation steps,s uch as extraction and ion-exchange procedures for sample preparation [18].D isadvantages associated with these procedures include the use of largev olumes of organic solvents and acids,r esulting in large volumes of generatedw aste.V oltammetric techniques are especially suitable for on-site monitoring of uranium owing to their portable character and low power requirements [19,20].A dsorptive stripping voltammetry methodsa re considered as powerful tools for trace metal determination which have al ot of advantages such as low cost,p ortability and most of all they allows imultaneousd etermination of several elements with high sensitivity [ 21,22].A dsorptive strippingv oltammetry is similar to anodic stripping voltammetry and cathodic stripping voltammetry except that the preconcentrations tep is not controlled by electrolysis.T he preAbstract:W er eport on the designo faUO 2 2 + -selective electrode basedo nt he use of UO 2 2 + imprinted polymer nanoparticles (IP-NPs), and its application for the differential pulsea dsorptive cathodics trippingv oltammetry determination of uranyli ons.Ac arbon paste electrode was modified with the IP-NPs,a nd differential pulse ad-