“…Corresponding excitation spectra are shown in Figure 3b.T he observed absorption peaks at 285 and 320 nm, for fluorescence-modified T-CoFe 2 O 4 NPs, which give rise to fluorescencea tl em = 413 nm, may be attributed to the LMCTtransition involving the highest occupied energy level of tartrate ligandsa nd the lowest unoccupied energy levels of Co 2 + /3 + or Fe 3 + metal ionc enters on the NPs' surface. [13] Co [14] so, the involvement of Co 3 + in generation of fluorescence is very likely.T hree additional fluorescencep eaks having maximaa tl em = 460, 514, and 560 nm, against excitations at [16] We can explain the generation of the three excitation bands with maximaa tl ex = 370,4 30, and 525 nm in terms of spectroscopic term symbols, owing to transitions of 4 www.chemphyschem.org 460, and 520 nm, using three different pulsed diode laser excitation sourceso fl ex = 294, 377,a nd 471 nm wavelengths, respectively.A se vident from the figure, the significantly larger average excited-state lifetime( t av )o ft he fluorescence-modified T-CoFe 2 O 4 NPs observed for the 400 nm fluorescenceb and (5.27 ns) compared to that for 460 nm (1.03 ns) and 520 nm (0.97 ns) fluorescenceb ands strongly suggests am echanistic difference in the origin of the fluorescencep eak at l em = 413 nm from the rest of the peaks. Whereas, the strong resemblance between the lifetimev alues of fluorescenceb ands at 460 and5 20 nm reveals their mechanistic similarity.C orresponding weight percentages are mentioned in Table 1 À 1 arise, owing to the CÀOH stretching modes, [19] whereas peaks at 1411a nd 1621 cm À1 are attributed to symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes of the carboxylate groups (COO À )o ft artrate, respectively.…”