GifIII, GifIV, and Go. In GoAggI these two reagents are naturally present. In GoAggII and GoAggIII, Fei"' plus H202 gives the same iron species. This formalism (Scheme I) is the same as that used in arguments about the mechanism of P450 oxidation (2,8).There are two well-known mechanisms for the selective oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons. The first is the Fenton reaction of H202 with Fe"l, which leads to the production of hydroxyl radicals (1). The second mechanism is the ironbased porphyrin system of the P450 enzymes. In porphyrin models, based on this system, alkoxy radical-like chemistry is clearly seen (2). Thus, saturated hydrocarbons are attacked with a selectivity normal to radical reactions (tertiary> secondary>primary), sulfides are oxidized to sulfoxides, and olefins are epoxidized (3, 4).The family of Gif systems for the selective substitution of saturated hydrocarbons has very different reactivity from any prior process (5, 6). We first define (7) the systems: GifIII consists of iron powder suspended in pyridine-acetic acid with oxygen as oxidant. GiflV is similar but has an Fe"l catalyst with suspended zinc dust as a source ofelectrons and again oxygen is the oxidant. The Gif-Orsay (Go) electrochemical system replaces the zinc dust in GiflV by the cathode of an electrochemical cell. This system has a good coulombic yield (up to 50%). More recently, three new systems have been added: GoAggI, GoAggII, and GoAggIII. The GoAggI system consists of pyridine-acetic acid with stoichiometric Fell and K02 under argon. The GoAggII system is the same except that the oxidant is hydrogen peroxide and the catalyst is FeCl3 or other Fe"' salt.As will be described in more detail later, the addition of picolinic acid and its congeners has a major effect on the rate of oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons while preserving the characteristic Gif selectivity. The system using Fe"' plus H202 in the presence of picolinic acid or other special ligand is now referred to as GoAggIII. The names are geographical: G is for Gif-sur-Yvette, 0 is for Orsay, and Agg is for "Aggieland," where the last three systems were developed.Fe" +°j - In the Go, GoAggI, GoAggII, and GoAggIII systems it is clear that pyridine is not being reduced to dipyridyls or other pyridine-derived species. The role of the pyridine is to act as a ligand and to prevent hydroxyl radical-induced autooxidation chains.With certain hydrocarbons (adamantane, cis-and transdecalins, and the steroid side chain) radicals have been detected but only at tertiary positions, not at secondary positions. In adamantane, tertiary radicals can be detected by competitive attack on oxygen and on pyridine. The reduction of oxygen pressure increases the amount of attack of the tertiary radicals on the pyridine. However, the selectivity (C2/C3, where C2 = total of secondary oxidation products and C3 = total oxidation and pyridine-coupled products) is always constant. Coupling at the secondary position is not seen. When the secondary coupled product is prepared by a rational synt...