DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.09.039
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Functionalized composite scaffolds improve the engraftment of transplanted dopaminergic progenitors in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease

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Cited by 97 publications
(91 citation statements)
References 50 publications
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“…For this reason, from herein, we will refer to difference in protein levels as “protein unfolding,” noting that this may also include some contribution from degradation. Irrespectively, we know from previous work that such conformational changes/degradation results in an inability to offer neurotrophic support such as survival and differentiation (Horne, Nisbet, Forsythe, & Parish, ; Wang et al, ; Wang et al, ). Although immediate delivery, followed by the subsequent rapid unfolding and functional inactivation, may not be problematic in some contexts, delayed delivery is imperative in the context of cell transplantation, where newly implanted cells are vulnerable and require neurotrophic support.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…For this reason, from herein, we will refer to difference in protein levels as “protein unfolding,” noting that this may also include some contribution from degradation. Irrespectively, we know from previous work that such conformational changes/degradation results in an inability to offer neurotrophic support such as survival and differentiation (Horne, Nisbet, Forsythe, & Parish, ; Wang et al, ; Wang et al, ). Although immediate delivery, followed by the subsequent rapid unfolding and functional inactivation, may not be problematic in some contexts, delayed delivery is imperative in the context of cell transplantation, where newly implanted cells are vulnerable and require neurotrophic support.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For instance, we have shown that the covalent attachment of GDNF to electrospun poly‐caprolactone scaffolds promotes survival, migration, proliferation, and neurite outgrowth of transplanted neural progenitor cells in vivo (Wang et al, ; Wang et al, ). Stability of the attached proteins was also investigated and revealed that GDNF retained its attachment and biofunctionality after 120 days (Wang et al, ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Since advances have been made to improve the trophic abilities of engineered hydrogels to promote brain tissue regeneration, many recent combinatorial strategies have demonstrated the synergistic benefits of combining stem/progenitor cells and matrix [6, 41]. However, the majority of these studies have attempted to maximize the benefit of combination therapies by either changing one unique aspect of the therapy while maintaining the other elements constant [42, 43], by using a “presence/absence” binary evaluation of the matrix component [8, 44], or by picking random concentrations (usually equimolar) for all the factors tested [42, 45]. The use of DOE allows systematic alteration of multiple components of the hydrogel to determine outcome characteristics for further in vivo testing.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It is of note that the NPCs were not embedded within the QL6 solution, instead the treatments were injected separately, and thus it is uncertain whether the peptide would improve cell survival to greater effect if they were co-delivered. Composite scaffolds made of poly(lactic acid) nanofibers embedded in an injectable xyloglucan hydrogel improved the survival and reinnervation of dopamine progenitor cells in Parkinson’s debilitated mice, with significant improvement observed when the scaffolds were optimized with GDNF and BDNF co-delivery [152]. …”
Section: Specific Hydrogel Design Choices For Specific Tissue Applmentioning
confidence: 99%