The rational design of fluorescent nucleoside analogues is greatly hampered by the lack of ag eneral method to predict their photophysics, ap roblem that is especially acute when base pairing and stacking changef luorescence. To better understand these effects, as eries of tricyclic cytidine (tC and tC O )a nalogues ranging from electron-rich to electron-deficient was designed and synthesized.T hey were then incorporated into oligonucleotides,a nd photophysical responses to base pairing and stackingw ere studied.W hen insertedi nto double-stranded DNA oligonucleotides, electron-rich analogues exhibit af luorescencet urn-on effect, in contrast with the electron-deficient compounds, whichs how diminished fluorescence. The magnitude of these fluores-cence changes is correlated with the oxidation potential of nearest neighbor nucleobases. Moreover,m atched base pairing enhances fluorescenceturn-on for the electron-rich compounds, and it causesaf luorescence decrease for the electron-deficientc ompounds. For the tC O compounds, the emergence of vibrational fine structure in the fluorescence spectra in response to base pairing and stacking was observed, offering ap otentialn ew tool for studying nucleic acid structurea nd dynamics. These results, supported by DFT calculations,h elp to rationalize fluorescencec hangesi n the base stacka nd will be useful for selectingt he best fluorescent nucleoside analogues for ad esired application.