Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Abissy, M. & Mandi, L. (1999). Utilisation des plantes aquatiques enracinées pour le traitement des eaux usées urbaines : cas du roseau. Revue des sciences de l'eau, 12(2), 285-315. doi:10.7202/705353ar Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
SUMMARYAquatic plant-based System is increasing popular alternatives for treatment of various types of wastewater. Conventional wastewater treatment requires large capital investments and consumes large amounts of energy. While, aquatic plants are a simple and energy efficient means of removing some nitrogen and phosphorus quantities and other pollutants from wastewater. The présent study consista of testing the efficiency of an helophyte Arundo donax to treat urban effluent under an arid climate and to assess the suitability of the treated effluent for irrigation purposes.The experiment was conducted from August 1994 to September 1996. Fourth plots (capacity: 115 liters, diameter: 57 cm) were filled to depth of 5 cm and 30 cm with respectively gravel and soil (texture: 30% clay, 34% silt and 36% sand). Two plots were planted with reeds. Young shoots were taken from local and natural reed stand, cleaned, weighed and transplanted in August 1994 at a rate of 34 shoots/m 2 . Two unplanted plots served as a control. The soil used has sustained the spreading Of wastewater fore more than 60 years. It was an organic soil with a pH near neutrality. Alimentation was exclusively done by urban raw effluent with batch loads of 25 liters every 7 days. Water flowed vertically through the substratum.In order to investigate the capacity of the Systems for organic loads, phosphorus and nitrogen removal, the concentration in the inflow and outflow of each plots was determined over the whole period of experiment. At the end of experiment, the reeds biomass and nutrients analysis in plant material and soil were evaluated.
M. Abbisy et L MandiThe contrat of System hydrology indicate that the rétention time of planted System was very short. It varied between few hours to only few minutes in Summer. The unpianted System become completely clogged in Winter. So, the prés-ence otArundo donax in planted System maintained sufficient porosity in order to allow water pollution for treatment and to prevent the clogging which was a problem in the unpianted one.Over the whole expérimental period, results revealed signiflcant performances of reed beds for organic load réduction. The mean élimination rates were 90% for TSS and 70% for COD. The TSS and COD élimination performance of unpianted soil was only little lower (TSS: 83% and COD: 68,6%). Removal of TSS and COD for the two Systems, planted and unpianted, didn't varied significantly from season to another (p < 0.05). TSS and COD élimination were almost entirely due to physical processes (filtration and sédimentation) associated to microbial community a...