Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) pumps four proton equivalents per catalytic cycle through the H-pathway, a protonconducting pathway, which includes a hydrogen bond network and a water channel operating in tandem. Protons are transferred by H 3 O ؉ through the water channel from the N-side into the hydrogen bond network, where they are pumped to the P-side by electrostatic repulsion between protons and net positive charges created at heme a as a result of electron donation to O 2 bound to heme a 3 . To block backward proton movement, the water channel remains closed after O 2 binding until the sequential four-proton pumping process is complete. Thus, the hydrogen bond network must collect four proton equivalents before O 2 binding. However, a region with the capacity to accept four proton equivalents was not discernable in the x-ray structures of the hydrogen bond network. The present x-ray structures of oxidized/reduced bovine CcO are improved from 1.8/1.9 to 1.5/1.6 Å resolution, increasing the structural information by 1.7/1.6 times and revealing that a large water cluster, which includes a Mg 2؉ ion, is linked to the H-pathway. The cluster contains enough proton acceptor groups to retain four proton equivalents. The redox-coupled x-ray structural changes in Glu 198 , which bridges the Mg 2؉ and Cu A (the initial electron acceptor from cytochrome c) sites, suggest that the Cu A -Glu 198 -Mg 2؉ system drives redox-coupled transfer of protons pooled in the water cluster to the H-pathway. Thus, these x-ray structures indicate that the Mg 2؉ -containing water cluster is the crucial structural element providing the effective proton pumping in bovine CcO.Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) 3 reduces molecular oxygen (O 2 ) in a reaction coupled with a proton pumping process. After binding of O 2 to the O 2 reduction site (which includes two redox-active metal sites, heme a 3 and Cu B ), four electron equivalents are sequentially donated from cytochrome c via two additional redox active metal sites, Cu A and heme a. Each of the four electron transfers is coupled to the pumping of a single proton equivalent (1, 2).High resolution x-ray structural studies together with mutational analyses for bovine CcO show a possible proton pumping pathway, known as the H-pathway, which includes a hydrogen bond network and a water channel functioning in tandem (1, 2). The water channel provides access of water molecules (or H 3 O ϩ ions) inside the mitochondrial inner membrane (the N-side) to one end of the hydrogen bond network that extends to the outside of the mitochondrial inner membrane (the P-side). The hydrogen bond network interacts tightly with heme a by forming two hydrogen bonds between the formyl group of heme a and Arg 38 in the hydrogen bond network and between the A-ring propionate of heme a and a fixed water molecule in the hydrogen bond network (1, 2). The net positive charge increase in heme a, which occurs upon electron donation from heme a to the O 2 reduction site to be delocalized to the formyl and propionate gro...