consisting of all the holomorphic self-mappings of D, is a semigroup with respect to composition. Definition 1.1.2. A mapping f ∈ Hol(D, Ω) is said to be univalent on D if for each pair of distinct points x 1 and x 2 in D we have f (x 1 ) = f (x 2 ).In this case one can define the inverse mappingIt is well known (see, for example, [39]) that if X = C n and Y = C m are finite dimensional complex spaces, then f :However, this fact is no longer true in the infinite dimensional case (see counterexamples in [79,4]). Therefore, in the general case a univalent mappingIt is also known (see, for example, [29,49]is a linear isomorphism between X and Y . In this situation we will say that D and Ω are biholomorphically equivalent.As we have already mentioned, in this case X and Y must be linearly isomorphic Banach spaces. Generally speaking, the converse is not true. That is, even if X and Y are isomorphic Banach spaces and f ∈ Hol(D, Y ) has at each point x in D a continuously invertible Fréchet derivative, the mapping f need not be univalent on D.Nevertheless, in this case the mapping f is biholomorphic on a neighborhood of each x ∈ D by the inverse function theorem. In this situation we will say that f ∈ Hol(D, Ω) is locally biholomorphic.The set of all univalent mappings from a domain D ⊂ X into X will be denoted by Univ(D). For the special case when D is the open unit ball of X, the subset of Univ(D) normalized by the conditions f (0) = 0 and f (0) = I will be denoted by S(D). This notation conforms to the one used in the classical onedimensional case, when D = ∆ = {z ∈ C : |z| < 1}. In this case we simply writeThat is, S consists of all the mappings f ∈ Univ(∆) such that f has the following Taylor series at the origin:
Convex, star-shaped and spiral-shaped domainsDefinition 1.2.1. A set M in X is called convex if for each pair of points w 1 and w 2 in M , the line segment joining w 1 and w 2 is contained in M , i.e., for each t ∈ [0, 1], the point w = (1 − t)w 1 + tw 2 is also in M .If D is a domain in X, then f ∈ Univ(D) is said to be a convex mapping on D if its image f (D) = Ω is a convex domain in X.Geometry of domains in Banach spaces 9 Definition 1.2.2. A set M in X is called star-shaped (with respect to the origin) if given any w ∈ M , the point w t = tw also belongs to M for every t with 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. That is, if M contains w, then it also contains the entire line segment joining w to the origin. In this definition the origin is in Ω. If, in particular, the origin belongs to Ω, then we will say that f is star-like, to make our definition consistent with the classical one. In this case the mapping f has a null point τ in D. The set of all biholomorphic mappings on D which are star-shaped on D will be denoted by Star(D).If, in addition, there is τ ∈ D such that f (τ ) = 0, (1.2.1) then we will write f ∈ S * τ (D). Of course, in this case such a point τ is unique because. Again, in the one-dimensional case, when X = C, we will simply write S * to denote the family of all biholomorphic (univalent) star-like functions...