C a lc u la tio n o f T h e o r e tic a l A lp h a C o e ffic ie n ts f o r X R F A n a ly s is o f M a jo r a n d M in o r E le m e n ts in I r o n -r ic h G e o lo g ic a l S a m p le s Younan Hua and C. T. Yap Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 0511 Z. Naturforsch. 50a, 817-825 (1995); received December 14, 1994 This paper introduces a method of calculating theorectical alpha coefficients for the X-ray fluorescence analysis of major and minor components in iron-rich samples. We choose a group of hypothetical standard samples whose average concentrations are those of the actual samples. The theoretical X-ray fluorescence relative intensities of the given components are calculated using the fundamental parameter NRLXRF program. We derived formulas from the Lachance-Traill equa tion and used these to calculate the basic, hybrid and modified alpha coefficients which are used respectively for the analysis of elements in compact specimens, oxides in compact specimens and oxides in diluted specimens. In order to use the theoretical alpha coefficients on-line, we also discuss the calculation of the alpha coefficients used in the D.J model.