Energy drives human life and is crucial for continued human development. It is the convertible currency of technology. Without energy the whole fabric of society would crumble. Global demand for energy is rapidly increasing with increasing human population, urbanization, and modernization. This growth is projected to rise sharply over the coming years in developing countries. The world heavily relies on fossil fuels to meet its energy requirements -oil, gas, and coal are providing almost 80% of the global energy demands. Oil and natural gas prices are continuously rising, due to the rapid worldwide increase in their consumption. Coals, covering about 65% of the proven fossil fuel reserves and being widely distributed throughout the world, provide stability in price and availability and will therefore play a major role in the global energy system in the coming decades. Furthermore, given the energy crisis, the development and use of renewable energy sources is one of the key challenges in the shorter and medium term to substitute fossil fuels, to provide commercially attractive options for meeting specific energy service needs, and to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass, including all kinds of materials that were directly or indirectly derived not too long ago from contemporary photosynthesis reactions, such as vegetable matter and its derivatives, is a widely dispersed, naturally occurring carbon resource with great energy potential. It is also considered as a CO 2 -neutral energy source. The simple act of burning biomass to obtain heat and often light is one of the oldest biomass conversion processes known to mankind.Thus, the study of coal and biomass combustion for power generation or heating processes is of extreme importance, if we are to conserve our sources of energy, while achieving the required environmental goal efficiently and reliably in a world of increasing population and energy needs. This chapter provides a survey of the technologies that are either available or are being developed to enable all solid fuels to be used cleanly and with greater amenity.