This work deals with the effects of wind loads on two industrial shed models with curved eaves aspect of different height-to-width ratios. Using Ansys Workbench software, the external pressure coefficients for the entire roof by applying refinement levels were determined. Also were studied the quality of the unstructured and tetrahedral grid according to recommendations to ensure greater efficiency in the simulation results. The results generated provided evidence that the wind in the transverse direction is more damaging in the windward region: for a wind at 45º the most critical region appeared both windward and leeward in the model with a ratio of h/b=0.5 (Model 1) and to windward in the models with a ratio of h/b=1 (Model 2) and h/b=1.5 (Model 3). The leeward suctions increased due to the reduction in the height-width ratio considering a wind direction of 45º. The increase in this ratio intensified the values of the external pressure coefficients in the windward region for the 90º wind direction.