A major purpose of the Technical Information Center is to provide the broadest dissemination possible of information contained in DOE's Research and Development Reports to business, industry, the academic community, and federal, state and local governments.Although a small portion of this report is not reproducible, it is being made available to expedite the availability of information on the research discussed herein.
11-6References--Sec. Current DOE funding for this work is from the Office of Reactor Systems, Development and Technology within the Office of Nuclear Energy.A significant amount of material presented in this report is taken from the results of various program activities sponsored by AEC, ERDA, and DOE at ANL.The author is indebted to those who supported the program at ANL throughout the years, in particular, Messrs. Nicholas Grossman and Chet Bigelow for their interest and recognition of this important and challenging subject.The author is grateful for the support received from his colleagues of the Vibration Analysis Section of the Components Technology Division of ANL, which provides the resources necessary to perform this work.The Section Manager, Dr. M. W. Wambsganss, with his unfaltering faith in me, gave me encouragement and confidence to complete this report.Grateful appreciation is expressed to Miss Joyce Stephens for her superb typing and word-processing and to Mrs. S. K. Zussman for her expert editing of the manuscript.
CREDITSThe author and Argonne National Laboratory gratefully acknowledge the courtesy of the organizations aLid individuals who granted permission to use illustrations and. other information in this report.The sources of this information are listed below. Figs. 6.3, 6.4 This report summarizes the flow-induced vibration of circular cylinders in quiescent fluid, axial flow, and crossf low, and applications of the analytical methods and experimental data in design evaluation of various system components consisting of circular cylinders.