Introduction:To determine changes in the degree of adduction of the vocal folds and resonanciales features in singers, after the implementation of a sequence of physiological vocal warm. Materials and Methods: acoustic analyzes measurements and electroglottography were applied to 11 singers, making four phonatory tasks before and after implementation of a sequence of three exercises Vocal Tract Semioclued (hand over mouth, straw phonation and Y-Buzz), each with three phonatory tasks (phonation with comfortable tone and intensity, pitch bend with glissandos of third and fifth note of major scales, variation of vocal intensity with Messa di Voci strategy). Experimental study, with descriptive analysis and application of non-parametric Wilcoxon test cepstrum. Results: Positive changes to short and medium term in measures applied. All subjects increased the feeling of resonant voice, showed improvement in vocal quality singing voice with minimal impact stress of the vocal folds and greater projection, aspects reflected in the positive correlations between contact quotient, disturbance measures, ltas and cepstrum. Discussion: the physiological vocal warm is a tool that helps to improve and protect the working instrument of singers, acoustic energy in the vocal tract improved after the sequence of physiological vocal warm, observing an immediate and long-term effect.