The cardinality of the set of D x for which the fundamental solution of the Pell equation t 2 − Du 2 = 1 is less than D 1 2 +α with α ∈ [ 1 2 , 1] is studied and certain lower bounds are obtained, improving previous results of Fouvry by introducing the q-analogue of van der Corput method to algebraic exponential sums with smooth moduli. S(x, α) := |{(η D , D) : 2 D x, D = , η D D 1 2 +α }|, S f (x, α) := |{(ε D , D) : 2 D x, D = , ε D D 1 2 +α }|.In his pioneer work, Hooley [Ho84] proved the following theorem.