Both short drop time ac and dc polarography, which permit fast scan rates and increase the polarographic time scale several orders of magnitude, are potentially extremely valuable techniques in many kinetic, analytical, and electrochemical investigations. Early work utilizing short drop times indicated that standard polarographic equations were inapplicable to such measurements, and the use of drop times below 2 sec has been generally discouraged in the literature. Recently, however, data have been obtained in the millisecond drop time region which indicated that much of the standard theory can in fact apply in this drop time range. The present study reports an investigation of short drop time polarography in an endeavor to resolve apparent anomalies currently existing in the literature, and to overcome possible unjustified discrimination preventing the much wider use of a valuable technique of polarography. Results demonstrate conclusively that the presence of the short drop time itself does not lead to a breakdown of conditions for which standard ac and dc theories were derived. If short controlled drop times are obtained by mechanically knocking the capillary then the short drop time experiment is found to be critically dependent on the theory applicable to the natural drop, from which the short controlled drop is derived. In obtaining the short controlled drop time, the flow rate of mercury is essentially unaltered. On the other hand, if short drop times are obtained by gravity control, it is confirmed that the standard theory no longer applies, because the flow rate of mercury becomes too large, and it would appear that it is variations in this parameter, rather than the drop time which has caused many of the difficulties encountered in the past.Polarography, the measurement, interpretation, and use of current-voltage curves at a dropping mercury electrode, DME, has been widely used in many branches of chemistry for over 50 years. Workers interested in fundamental electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, kinetics, and a wide spectrum of physical, inorganic, and organic areas frequently have occasion to use the techniques.The fundamental theories and equations in dc polarography have been well established now for several decades.1"3 The theory for diffusioncontrolled limiting currents was first solved successfully in 1934 by llkovic,1-5 and the mathematical formulation describing a reversible polarographic wave in 1935 by Heyrovsky and llkovic. 1-3•6 The validity of these equations, particularly the llkovic equation, and modifications to this theory have come under scrutiny in many publications as summarized in ref 2 and 3.Of particular relevance to this paper is the work of Maas7 and others.8•9 The llkovic equation predicts a linear dependence of the limiting or diffusion current on concentration. These authors have reported that the limiting current relationships do not hold exactly with short drop times. This work has led many authors of reviews arid textbooks to recommend with reasons why polarographic ...