Following consistent agent-based financial market modeling logics developed in Ghoulmié et al.[1], I study limit order book structures and dynamics over all the different time scales and trading speeds. For this mapping purpose, I built and analyze an original framework for the trading of a single asset in a limit order book. In this structured agent-based approach, the dynamics of the book is dominated by two classes of strategic forces, informed and liquidity providers agents. This global model generically leads to an absence of autocorrelation in the returns, mean-reverting stochastic volatility, excess volatility, volatility clustering, and endogenous bursts of market activity that is not attributable to external noise. The volatility clustering is the consequence of a positive feedback loop created between the volatility and the order placements in the book which follow a multi-agent bayesian learning scheme. The model also demonstrates a robust alternative explanation for a realistic-looking hump-shape of the book emerging from the simulations. I then derive analytical exact results. I discuss the economic implications of the results obtained through this clinically methodic research and interdisciplinary pioneering approach.Keywords agent-based model, complex systems, financial markets, stylized facts, limit order book, liquidity, business and management