A new family of poly(ethylene glycol)
(PEG) based membranes for
CO2 separation was developed using thiol–ene photopolymerization.
Compared to photopolymerized PEG-containing acrylate membranes, these
new thiol–ene based membranes offer improved mechanical properties
and processing advantages. The starting material, a combination of
a trithiol cross-linker and a PEG diene, was gradually modified with
a PEG dithiol while maintaining 1:1 thiol:ene stoichiometry. This
approach made it possible to decrease the network cross-link density,
resulting in simultaneous increases in free volume and PEG content.
Materials with high concentrations of dithiol were very stretchable,
with largely, up to 500%, improved elongation at break, yet they exhibited
commendable CO2/N2, O2, H2, and CH4 permeability-selectivity performance. The average
molecular weight of polymer chains between cross-links, M
c, was determined experimentally by fitting the classic
network affine model to stress–strain data obtained via tensile
testing. M
c was also calculated assuming
an ideal, lattice-like, network structure based on monomer stoichiometry.
The effect of M
c on glass transition temperature
and gas permeation behavior was studied. A free volume based model
was employed to describe experimental gas permeability (diffusivity)
trends as a function of M